DJ Margeir is the Golden Calf making sacrifices on the sonic altar for the lost hordes. Testify!
New mix - “Menningarnótt - Karnival á Klapparsíg” is out now!
Moment @ Menningarnótt
Margeir’s block party during Culture Night annually proves itself the place to be. From 12:00 to 23:00 he morphs the regular street of Klapparstígur into a musical world on its own, showcasing some of the best dance music Iceland has to offer.
“Here, under a blazing sky, Icelandic lunatics Gluteus Maximus are sending an already packed SonarVillage stage crowd potty. It 's an energy that doesn't let up for the rest of the weekend, as we head off down into the spiral.”
— The Quietus
Milljarður rís! “Fokk ofbeldi!”
UN Women is the global champion for gender equality. Every year UN Women Iceland hosts ‘Milljarður rís’ (‘Billions Rise’): one of the largest charity events in the world that aims to unite people from over 200 countries to dance in honour of brave women around the world who have to fight against injustice, adversity, abuse and voilence.
The event is hosted in collaboration with Margeir and Harpa.
“… their massive dark macho house music and the weightlifters surrounding them on stage dragged us down to the weirdest hell.”
— Clash Magazine
Diskókvöld Margeirs
„Dansgólfið ólgar af ástríðu. Rakar skyrtuermar klístrast við ískalt hörund dansaranna þegar þeir vefja hand- leggjum um líkama sinn. Þeir baða sig í þeirri huggun sem sterkur líkami dansfélagans veitir þeim og reyna að hugsa ekki um neistana sem skjótast á milli taugaendanna hér og þar í líkama þeirra. Nóttin er ung og tónlistin er há. Diskókúla brotnar.“
Blue Lagoon Soundtrack
Margeir’s Blue Lagoon baptisms are legendary, his water-borne party sets ferrying crowds to an otherworldly land of musical plenty.
Blue Lagoon Sountrack vol. 1
“One of the most extraordinary compilations available” - Beats & Beyond
Blue Lagoon Sountrack vol. 2
“10 / 10” - FazeMag
Blue Lagoon Sountrack vol. 3
“It sends a fatal, icy blow to the jugular of almost every chill-out comp ever released” - DJ Mag
While Margeir has been active on stage, he has been even busier off stage.
From co-founding Sónar festival in Reykjavík, to producing events in Iceland for the likes of Major Lazer, James Blake, Fatboy Slim, GusGus, Lykke Li, Carl Cox and many others, he has established himself as a key player within the Icelandic music industry.
„The unexpected treat was a duo made up of DJ Margeir and President Bongo, of GusGus. There are two people in Satanic hoods lifting weights as strobe lights flicker. John Grant pops onstage for a quick guest spot. A man growls "I wanna go down on you" ominously, while sporting what looks suspiciously like a leather cap. It's all gone a bit sexklub.“
— The Guardian
Yoga Moves
Yoga Moves is a combination of yoga, dance and meditation. Powerful postures, graceful movements and a free flow dance madness at the end along with some smooth DJ beats will define this new creative approach.